Lately, I haven't been in the greatest headspace, if I'm honest, I've mainly been feeling pretty damn right crap, but I also haven't been doing all that much to prevent this feeling. I simply found myself stuck in a rut, and felt very cooped up in my own house. After leaving my previous job, I've been at home concentrating on blog stuff, and both facing and ignoring the daunting what's next question, so much so that I distanced myself from the outside world and found sadness in my current situation, where sadness needn't be,

This week, however, seems to be completely different. I feel as though I've gone into this the week (I'm writing this on Monday) with a new perspective (let's hope it lasts until, at least Friday)  and a fresh mind, and I'm putting that down to fresh air and friends.

Sunday afternoon I went for a roast (veggie one for me), and a very muddy walk through Leigh Woods with two of my friends.  I love exploring with my camera, and catching up with friends,  and I think the day was arranged just in time for when I needed it. It really cleared my mind and gave me the opportunity to appreciate what's around me.

Somebody, remind me to go outside more! The world is a beautiful place and my laptop screen, and self-inflicted blues should not stop me from taking it in.